Support Seneca Nation's Right To Nationhood

We demand the United States and their “state of New York” cease and desist from genocidal actions (forced taxation, illegal 1924 and 1934 acts against Seneca Nationhood, occupation of Indigenous lands, etc.) against the Seneca Nation and begin to once and for all honor each and every Treaty they made with the Seneca, thereby abiding by their own Constitution and laws.

Unlike most “federally recognized Indian tribes” throughout the “United States”, the Seneca nation never acknowledged, accepted – and in fact rejected the illegal “1934 Indian Reorganization (IRA) Act.” The Seneca and other “Six Nations” Confederacy Nations and peoples claim the illegal act violates their Treaties (protected by Article VI of the United States Constitution which states “Treaties made with Indian Nations shall be the supreme law of the land, with the judges in every state bound thereby.”


The Seneca and Six Nations also expose Article 1, Section 2, Part 3 of the Constitution which prevents any “Indian” from paying taxes – a fact even most Americans fail to realize.


The Seneca believe the illegal 1934 act was an attempt to remove the female balance and representation they have always had within their nation governing and to place their nation and peoples under the authority of the president of the United States against their will.


The Seneca also reject the illegal 1924 “Indian Citizenship Act” which violates the Constitution, Seneca/u.s. Treaties, and attempts to make Seneca’s into  “americans” as a means by u.s. government officials to steal and exploit Seneca resources and homelands.


The recently adopted 1988 “Genocide Convention Proclamation Act” by congress would also make violation of Seneca Treaties a violation of the crime of genocide – punishable by life in prison and a one million dollar fine, should a government or state official be charged and found guilty of the charges.


The unilateral act of congress in 1934 was an attempt to deny nationhood rights and prevents all Indigenous Red “Indian” Nations from the United Nations and international recognition by the community of world’s nations.


We demand the United States and their “state of New York” cease and desist from genocidal actions (forced taxation, illegal 1924 and 1934 acts against Seneca Nationhood, occupation of Indigenous lands, etc.) against the Seneca Nation and begin to once and for all honor each and every Treaty they made with the Seneca, thereby abiding by their own Constitution and laws.

 We also demand the Seneca be recognized as an Indigenous Red Nation of Peoples and be allowed representation in the United Nations (UN) in New York City so that world peace can begin and the corrupt UN can be taken out of u.s. and corporation control and placed with the nations of the world – its supposed intention.

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