Urgent! Petition to close the beach in La Jolla, CA during harbor seal pupping season!

We want to show  the San Diego, California City Council that threre is a broad world-wide base of support to close Casa Beach in La Jolla during the winter harbor seal pupping season.  Of the 17 mainland California harbor seal rookeries, it is one of only two rookeries which do not have restrictions to human access during the critical winter pupping season.  Closure will allow pups to be born in peace and newborn pups to bond with their mothers, nurse, and learn essential survival skills, which are critical 6 weeks later when the pups are weaned and on their own.

Despite the 70 miles of beach in San Diego, special interest groups have tried to convince the City Council that human access privilege superceeds all other considerations, including disturbing the mothers and newborn pups.  Every signature counts and will represent many others who would willingly give up their short term recreational pursuits to support the necessary habitat security needed by these vulnerable marine mammals. 

The City Council will hear the issue soon so your signature on this petition is critical!


Please add your name to this vital petition - for the seals!


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