Azil for dogs in Sarajevo,BiH,Praca is concentration camp,they eat own feces,they killing the dogs.D

  • par: May Ann
  • destinataire: anyone who can help to this animal.

DOGS THAT ARE IN ASYLUM have been compromised to the extent that EAT OWN feces, sprinkling cold water on tham to died as soon as possible.These animals tormented, is located in a concentration camp, ready to ​​authorities do their job so that instead of that actually do their job they steal money and kill the dogs.thay take dogs who are donating to get chiping and sterilization and thay kill tham.thay do that in sarajevo,praca,hresa,nead help,so please if somebody knows what we nead to do to help tham please help.

this animalrealy nead help,thay kill tham,thay take money for tham and than thay live dogs hungry,dogs eat own faces,one person just can cry if see ewery sign is werry importen,they are abused.also city ​​authorities do their job so that instead of that actually do their job they steal money and kill the dogs.thay take dogs who are donating to get chiping and sterilization and thay kill tham.thay do that ilegal.we sow that dogs thay are so skin,eat their own feces.we go to see that and wee cry few days.please if anyone knows how to prevent this crime against dogs that are hidden under the guise of asylum in praci, please help.

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