Tell Congress: Cutting the EPAs budget hurts American families

Recent reports indicate that President Trump is set to propose a fiscal plan that will slash the EPA's budget by up to 24%, reduce its staff by one-fifth, and cut programs that combat global warming and keep our air and water clean. Such an attack threatens the health of our children and families, and will gut an agency that saves lives and protects us all—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike.
The EPA prevents 2.4 million asthma attacks, saves 230,000 lives through clean air regulations, and prevents 22.4 million lost school or works days each year. Investment in clean air and clean water should never be up for debate. The Administration is endangering an agency that has a storied history of bipartisan support—because our right to good health transcends party and politics.
Though the Administration has the power to propose budgets, Congress alone holds the power to approve them. Now, we must let our members of Congress know that we will not stand for anything but clean air, clean water, and good health—and a commitment to preserving the EPA.
Speak up now and tell your member: we must protect the EPA.
Dear Member of Congress,
Every day, employees at the EPA work to keep our children healthy, our families safe, our air pure, and our water clean. I am incredibly concerned to hear, then, that President Trump is set to propose a budget that will severely reduce funding for the EPA and its work.
All of us—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents—are better off because of the EPA: Our communities are healthier, our parks, streams, and rivers are cleaner, and our children’s futures are brighter.
You hold a critical vote in approving any budget that is brought before Congress. I hope that you will recognize the critical work that is done by the EPA for all Americans and will only approve a budget that preserves this critical agency.
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