I'm 16. I can't vote, and my generation can't wait for climate action.

This petition is a message to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the remaining 2016 presidential candidates from Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, a 16 year old climate activist. Watch his video message here:

I’ve spoken to the UN General Assembly and traveled the world with Earth Guardians, meeting directly with young activists and communities most affected by our climate crisis.

Climate change is real, it's happening now, and your generation has not done enough to stop it. 2015 was the hottest year on record, and 2016 is on pace to be even hotter. Seas are rising, glaciers are melting, droughts are threatening our ability to feed the planet. But as our presidential primaries conclude, no one seems to be talking about it.

My generation can no longer stand by while climate change is treated like a political issue to deny, delay or debate. Nearly 200 nations agreed to action at the climate talks in Paris -- will your administration work with them, or turn your back on them?

To meet our Paris commitments we will need to transition to a zero carbon energy economy by 2050. My generation demands you act with even greater urgency. Scientists say we can and must end the use of fossil fuels within the next decade (2026), and we need the next president to make that a reality. With your party conventions approaching, we are urging you to include your plan to meet that goal as a centerpiece of your platform.

JFK challenged our nation to go to the moon in a decade -- not because it was easy, but because it was hard. Saving our planet will be even harder -- and will take even greater leadership. Are you ready to be the leader my generation demands?


Visit earthguardians.org to learn more and take further action.


The climate crisis is affecting us all. Whether young or old, left or right, rich or poor, we are all in need of leadership to move our planet forward. We are standing together with the youth - even if they can't vote for you, the policies of your administration will determine the kind of future that will confront them.

We need to know the answer to this question: What are you going to do? What is your plan to create a new energy future? What will you do to decrease the carbon in our atmosphere to a level which does not threaten our ability to live together on this planet? We need you to detail your plan for immediate action now.

My generation can no longer stand by while climate change is treated like a partisan talking point. Our nation is out of time for debate. Nearly 200 nations agreed to action in Paris -- will your administration work with them, or turn your back on them?

To meet our Paris commitments we will need to transition to a zero carbon energy economy by 2050. My generation demands you act with greater urgency. Scientists say we can and must end the use of fossil fuels within the next decade (2026), and we need you to start that switch on your first day in office.

With your party conventions approaching, we are urging you to include your plan to meet that goal as a centerpiece of your platform. The nation deserves the details needed to tell if you are serious, and the timelines to know if you can succeed. Share these elements when you address your party and officially become the nominees for our nation.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
I'm at the DNC! Join our thunderclap, and help #GenerationClimate create a social media moment just as Secretary Clinton speaks in primetime on Thursday. I'm in Philly to do everything I can to urge #ClimateActionNow from our next president -- let's work together to amplify this message. Thank you for your support!
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