Donate Extra Meal Swipes to Poverty Stricken Countries

According to Mizzou campus dining services, “meals do not carry over from one semester to the next and there is no refund for unused meals at the end of each semester.”Although there is an idea about getting rid of swipes through Tiger Pantry, the food and drinks that are bought at Emporium or Time Out are actually very expensive. At these takeout locations, a case of gatorade is 7 swipes. The gatorade you are buying with your swipes ranges from $44.80 to $53.20 depending on what meal plan you purchased. With our proposal, “Swing Away Hunger”, people with extra swipes can provide a meal for a 3 year old boy from Haiti who is suffering from malnutrition through Food for the Poor, a nonprofit organization. Their website states that 6 cents will provide a child like this a nutritious meal. Think about how many people we could feed in these developing countries with just a few extra swipes!


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