Bring Nathan Moore back to High Sierra 2014!

  • par: Silas Cole
  • destinataire: High Sierra Music, Nathan Scott Moore

Nathan Moore has been a staple of High Sierra Music Festival for quite some time. Between his shows with ThaMuseMent (5 appearances), Surprise Me Mr. Davis (7 appearances), and his solo billings (7 appearances), along with his countless unofficial appearances at Camp Harry and the Pickin' Porch, he has become an icon in Quincy. He's the local celebrity that everybody knows, and most even have a story about late nights on the pickin porch or one fine morning on the kickball field.

2 years ago, Nathan decided to take a completely different approach to touring, embarking on a 4 month journey (Hippy Fiasco) without any planned dates.  The adventure that ensued was truly magical, taking Nathan and his posse all across the country and back, playing living rooms, dive bars, parks, back seats, and coffee shops, ending at the perfect final destination: High Sierra Music Festival.

The Hippy Fiasco was a smashing success, bringing people closer together with music and creating friendships as it rolled along.  It also inspired Nathan to create an album of material full of contributions by his friends and fans following him along. Unfortunately, the road is a grueling place, and it also took its toll on Nathan and his crew, leading Nathan to decide to take a hiatus from touring and dig his roots back into his hometown of Staunton, VA.

We are grateful for everything Nathan has done for us (and with us! Moorechestra represent!) and want very much to see Nathan return to Quincy in 2014, the 15 year anniversary of ThaMuseMent's first show!

Nathan Moore has been a staple of High Sierra Music Festival for quite some time. Between his shows with ThaMuseMent (5 appearances), Surprise Me Mr. Davis (7 appearances), and his solo billings (7 appearances), along with his countless unofficial appearances at Camp Harry and the Pickin' Porch, he has become an icon in Quincy. He's the local celebrity that everybody knows, and most even have a story about late nights on the pickin porch or one fine morning on the kickball field.

2 years ago, Nathan decided to take a completely different approach to touring, embarking on a 4 month journey (Hippy Fiasco) without any planned dates.  The adventure that ensued was truly magical, taking Nathan and his posse all across the country and back, playing living rooms, dive bars, parks, back seats, and coffee shops, ending at the perfect final destination: High Sierra Music Festival.

The Hippy Fiasco was a smashing success, bringing people closer together with music and creating friendships as it rolled along.  It also inspired Nathan to create an album of material full of contributions by his friends and fans following him along. Unfortunately, the road is a grueling place, and it also took its toll on Nathan and his crew, leading Nathan to decide to take a hiatus from touring and dig his roots back into his hometown of Staunton, VA.

We are grateful for everything Nathan has done for us (and with us! Moorechestra represent!) and want very much to see Nathan return to Quincy in 2014, the 15 year anniversary of ThaMuseMent's first show!

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