NBC should STOP Glamorizing killing for fun.

Baby Elk cries for mom after being shot by bowhunter 3 times as mother watches helplessly



What's Christmas like for 20 million deer (thanks to "Sportsman")

Doe shot in Jaw lived for 4 days in suffering


Our wildlife are sentient beings, meaning they have as much desire to live as you and I yet NBC sport like to claim it's a "sport",as these beautiful creatures are shot down, use bows and arrow where millions are left wounded and crippled to die in days. Plus I do not want my kids to be tuning into a channel of death!!

which is what sport hunting IS . NBC "sport" hunting airs on Sundays and other weekdays but Sunday is when the kidsThey are watching psychopaths doing their disgusting killing to innocent animals and then calling it "sport". Basketball, Baseball, Football, etc are REAL sport but this is not "sport" this is legalized animal cruelty. . Here are few links to what they show or what really "sport" hunting is about. To have hunters which I call them psychopaths, cheering and doing high fives in the expense of animal suffering this is what they call "sport"???? Are you kidding me.???!!!!!!! We should teach children to respect life, all life and that is animals too, it's shows like these that makes children numb to compassion and empathy instead end up getting into a killing spree. Here are a few links as to what they show or what really "sport" hunting is about.



   Please stop the violence. We have enough violence in the world today and trying to keep children away from it why  must you telivise it so children as young as 4 will think it's "OK" to kill, because others are doing it and they are called "sportsman".  Teaching violence to young minds are dangerous as we already know that plus how many children must die from hunting accident because you  broadcasting show about hunting lures more children in.  Hunting is killing the very young to the very old.  Please , NO TO VIOLENCE and lets bring peace into our world and into our homes.
 Thank you Sincerely,

Tia Caroline 

Dear NBC President,

We would appreciate you removing NBC hunting which is nothing more then wildlife serial killers getting amusement from the pain and suffering of a defenseless creatures; It may not bother you but for my children and I as a parents it does. What is worse is, it can desensitize them, and further bring on human killers.



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