Monsanto and now Bayer have been making chemicals for over 100 years that are Poison and Murder. Look how many people in South East Asia along with American Soldiers died or are dying from exposure to Monsanto's Agent Orange that our Government Sprayed on Jungles during the Vietnam War to deforest Jungles, and many times on soldiers in those jungles. Now they are destroying our Food, Water, Air with their GMO Genetically Modified Seed that is Sprayed with Monsanto's Roundup Pesticide with the main ingredient Glyphosate that is a known Carcinogen and it doesn't stop there, it has been proven by Research Scientists it is a known Carcinogen that Causes Cancer, It is also sprayed on Lawns and on Sports fields to keep them weed free, then it weeps into ground water and we are consuming that. Water Authorities do not test for many chemicals. Monsanto must be a Lucrative Business because Billionaire Bill Gates owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto Stock, Lets put a stop to this now before the next generation of children are born with Autism, MS, and Cancer,. It has been proven Children born today have been found to have the Chemical Glyphosate in their Umbilical Blood and also found in Mothers milk so they are being poisoned at conception. Where Will It Stop.? EPA: Don't Renew Roundup - Revoke Glyphosate's License to Pollute, and Murder...