Tell the media: Stop repeating Trump's pandemic lies — they're getting people killed!

Even before the coronavirus outbreak hit the U.S., President Trump has been bungling the national response. He decimated America's pandemic response capabilities years earlier then refused testing kits from the World Health Organization that could have helped identify and contain the disease. Since then, he has refused to provide vital lifesaving support, passing the buck to states, which he's pitted against each other in some deranged reality show fantasy/

But it's not just Trump's actions and inaction that are costing innocent lives, it's his words too.

The ignorance and lies that have spilled from Trump's mouth have given people a false sense of security in public gatherings and germ sharing behaviors, not to mention leading them to ingest poisons that he peddled as miracle cures.

We are seeing in real time that states that put out good information are seeing slower growth of the virus where those governed by Trump allies continue to worsen exponentially.

Stopping Trump and his allies from lying would be like stopping the earth revolving around the sun, but that doesn't everybody needs to hear those lies. It's time for the media to step up in reporting THE FACTS and stop repeating Trump's lies. Lives depend on it.

Add your name to demand the media stop repeating Trump's pandemic lies — they're getting people killed!


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