Urgent! Prevent dogs from losing their right to run
Ribble Valley Borough Council proposes to make Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) which will ban dogs from being off lead on any 'designated area'. This includes: Clitheroe Cemetery, Clitheroe, public highways, Council owned land and adjoining foot ways and verges - pretty much anywhere except your own garden. The proposal ends on 5pm on Monday 4th September so your support is required urgently.
The council state that they have proposed these PSPOs in response to feedback from the community, businesses and partner agencies. They believe that this proposal will help to promote responsible dog ownership and will act as a deterrent to irresponsible owners who do not pick up their pets' waste, uncontrolled dogs off lead, dogs inside children's play areas and excessive numbers of dogs under the control of a single person. A Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued for anyone found in contravention of the above.
I ask you to sign this petition to Ribble Valley Borough Council to let them know that :
1) This proposal will not address the issue of irresponsible dog ownership as they will continue to leave their dogs waste behind and allow them to roam free in an uncontrolled manner.
2) It will penalise responsible dog owners, and their dogs, who do control their dogs and dispose of their dogs' waste responsibly
3) The proposal will prevent dogs from exhibiting normal behaviour patterns, such as running, sniffing and scent marking, which is in contravention of the Animal Welfare Act. and the Five Freedoms, thus making all affected dog owners in direct contravention of this Act.
4) Dogs that cannot run will become less fit and will suffer reduced health in much the same way as a human that doesn't exercise. This will result in increased health issues and vets bills.
5) Dog owners with restricted movement will struggle to exercise their dogs at all.
6) This proposal appears to be nothing more than a money making exercise as it fails to address the root cause, i.e. irresponsible dog owners.
Whilst it is acknowledged that irresponsible dog owners are a problem and that they have actively brought this issue to the fore, it is unreasonable to persecute responsible dog owners and their pets and furthermore this proposal will not address the root cause of the problem. The solution is to actively target the irresponsible dog owners such as those allowing their dogs into children's play areas and those not picking up after their pets.