Save the Haunted House in Ashbury

  • par: Sara M.
  • destinataire: Ashbury Homeowner's Association

The home in Ashbury has an awesome display of Halloween decor every year. I absolutely hate that the neighbors are telling them not to do it!!! Sign this petition fast and you can help save this home!!!! to see my news story visit this site:

Dosen't it look great????

Update in 2018:

I did this a long time ago, now I'm in 8th grade. The petition and protest were unsuccessful. Just because it didn't work, I didn't sit in a corner and pout. I still continue to do volunteer work in the Naperville community and organize many other community events. I am also a member of the Naperville Juniorettes, a division of the Jr,\. Womens' Club. For all of the young activists out there: don't give up and if you fail, find other things you love and try, try again!!

Much love and thanks-

Sara M.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 9 ans
THank you all sooooooooooooooooooooooo much for signing this petition!!! I love that this many people care and signed this petition!!!
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
I went to the Homeowner's Association Meeting tonight. It went well. They listened to me and allowed me to give them a copy of the petition. All the news channels were there! Watch the news tonight and you will see me!!!! :)
I will let you know if they contact me with a decision!
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
Thanks a lot for signing!!!! It is such a good feeling to know that this many people support me & my ideas. I also have a article in the Naperville Sun. Remember to spread the word and bring back the Halloween house!!!!!!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Keep sharing this petition with friends and family. We are hoping that the Ashbury Homeowner's Association might change their mind or at least allow for a special permission since Mr. Thomas has been doing this for so long. An 18 year TRADITION!
Also, it is important to remember the many charities Mr. Thomas has helped with the proceeds from his displays. They will miss out as well.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Wow!! I never knew how many people could sign my petition by only a few days!!!! Keep it up & spread the word!!!!!
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