We call on governor Kathy Hochul of New York to resign NYC mayor Eric Adams of his position as Mayor

We call on governor Kathy Hochul to resign mayor Eric Adams from his position as mayor of New York City. The people of New York city trusted Eric Adams the people looked up to Eric Adams as a true leader a reliable leader a leader that our youth can appreciate, but instead Eric Adams manipulated and violated campaign finance board laws, winning an election under false pretenses.

Eric Adams accepted donations from Sources that could very well put the lives of New Yorkers at risk, as well as put the mayors of life at risk by accepting these donations and building pay for play relationships oversees with the Turkish government, as well has Mayor Eric Adams gave the key to the city to a known pedophile who is now in a Brooklyn detention center, Sean Combs the celebrity rapper whom some have speculated Eric Adams attended his parties.  We have been informed that Eric Adams is apart of a new scheme in allowing the selling of W.E.B Dubois high school located directly across the street from a hotel construction site, in 2017 I and others advocated for this school to remain open by starting a petition and advocating, now the community is saying its Eric Adams fault the school is now at risk of closing/being sold again , we want him gone before he can take his anger out on the community. Some could be in fear of retaliation, remove Eric Adams from office before he uses the little power he has left to destroy our community. The people do not deserve to have a thief and liar as mayor of NYC, Eric Adams left many heart broken over the information that Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James E. Dennehy, the Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and Jocelyn E. Strauber, the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation ("DOI"), announced today the unsealing of an Indictment charging ERIC ADAMS, the Mayor of New York City, with bribery, campaign finance, and conspiracy offenses.

We should not have criminals running the city, the mayor has stated he will not step down from his position! We say yes! A criminal should not be running the city so we are calling on governor Kathy Hochul to resign Eric Adams from his position as mayor of NYC.

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