Recognize Christ on Christmas stamps

It is not fair that the USPS offers holiday stamps for thos of Jewish and Kwanzaa faiths and only a general stamp for Christmas. There is no stamp offered showing the reason CHristians celebrate Christmas. Once again Christ is being left out of CHRISTmas. Stamps for the true reason of Christmas are avaible online or at the post office but they conviently do not advertize them on the mail outs so one  is lead to beleive they do not have any to offer.


I recently recieved your post card advertising stamps for the holidays and you did not include one for those of us who celebrate the real reason for CHRISTmas. THis is not fair. I am demanding that you offer us a stamp that shows the real reason for CHristmas. If you are going to give other faiths stamps then you need to offer equal recognition to the Christian faith in your mail out ads not just have them online and at the post office. This leads people to think there are none availble.


Brandi Winemiller, Waco TX


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