Ban The Import Of Hunting Trophies!

Celebrities are demanding a ban on hunters importing souvenirs from slaughtered animals into the UK!

Add your name if you stand with them!

"Joanna Lumley today takes aim at "cowardly and cruel" trophy hunters as she joins our fight to protect wildlife from bloodthirsty tourists.

"The actress follows other celebrities, including Liam Gallagher and Sir David Jason, in demanding a ban on hunters importing souvenirs of kills to the UK," reported The Mirror.

"How do we explain that to future generations?

"We cannot call ourselves civilised while we allow trophy hunting.

"We must abolish it – please act today," Joanna said.

I agree with her 100%. How about you?

"Her plea follows last week's death in Kenya of one of Africa's last 'big tuskers', elephants whose tusks reach the floor.

"Fewer than 40 remain.

"And it comes as Botswana held its first auctions for the right to hunt elephants yesterday, after lifting a ban.

"The country has some 130,000 elephants," according to the same article.

Only 130,000. Let that sink in.

This isn't conservation.

This is murder for "sport".

"Hunting is not an effective long-term human-elephant mitigation tool or population control method," said Audrey Delsink, Africa's wildlife director for the global conservation lobby charity Humane Society International.

Don't you think importing trophies should be banned in the UK?

It doesn't matter where you live in the world. Your signature can still make a difference.

Chris Loder MP sponsored the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill 2019-20, which was presented to Parliament in February of 2020.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Parliament that would ban trophy hunting in the UK forever.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of slaughtering helpless creatures for fun?

Then add your name to ask Chris Loder to do the right thing and introduce legislation that would ban the import of animal trophies into the United Kingdom, forever!


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