STOP Capricorn from Neglecting Animals in their Care

There has been multiple reports to RSPCA and the government about how the animals in their care are being neglected and nothing is being doe about it.... RSPCA remain powerless because it is another charity.

Capricorn own horses with over grown hooves, the livestock animal and the horses are kept on filthy muddy yards with no access to clean water and several have been spotted with electrical fence burns and abusive wounds.
Every time they get reported they simply move the animals to a new location and refusing to help the animals get better and refuse to stand by laws standards.... we need your help to make sure that this charity gets closed down and the animals sent to a charity or a home where they will get the medical treatment that they need to stay fit and healthy.
We are counting on your help to stop the animals from suffering any more abuse and neglection

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
letters have been sent out to the goverment and high athoritys, informing them, about our cause of concern, we only need 530 to reach our goal and to put our words into actions. please if you know any way that you can advertise this campaign then please do. these animals need justice and we need you to help make this happen
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
not far to go till we have reached our goal to protect the animals, if you could possibly share this petition so that we can increase the chances of saving the animals then that would be amazing. I will be back to post any improvements and updates about the petition
thank you for your time and support
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