Decorated World War 2 Veteran wish to save land...

Lieutenant Colonel Bob Vaucher
United States Air Force (Retired)
449 Foothill Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
October 17, 2016

Dear Governor Christie, Lt. Governor Guadagno and Mr. Trump,

I hope this note finds you well.

My name is Bob Vaucher, I'm a 98 year old decorated WW II veteran and I have lived in Bridgewater Township for the past 71 years. I'm writing you to ask for your help.

I served in the United States Air Force from 1939 to 1946, served actively in World War II from 1941 to 1946 and flew 117 combat missions including the Show of Force. September 2, 1945, Gen. MacArthur presided over formal surrender ceremonies aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. The signing ceremony lasted twenty-three minutes and was broadcast throughout the world. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. General Ramey gave me the honor of leading the show of force of 525 B-29's flying over the Missouri at the exact time that MacArthur signed the treaty, 9:08AM. General Ramey's last words to me were," Vaucher, that's one target that you better not miss!" And I didn't.

I was awarded 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 6 Air Medals, I'm in the NJ Aviation Hall of Fame, as well as Nomination to the National Aviation Hall of Fame.

I helped form the Bridgewater Township Government as constituted today; I successfully campaigned to have a Police Department formed as well as establish the Bridgewater High School.

For the last 4 years I have been trying to preserve a 35 acre piece of property in Bridgewater Township (Block 712) that once belonged to my best friend John Wemple. John was passionate about preserving the 35 acres he owned. In fact, he had in his Will that the land he owned was never to be developed and was to stay as open space and preserved; but after his passing his Will was over turned as he and his Witness's were declared incompetent which is non-sense The land was sold off to a private land speculator, Steven Lang of East Brunswick, NJ who was looking to sell the land to a home developer where 18 homes were proposed to be developed (asking 2.2 million dollars). Mr. Lang has had a change of heart and would like to sell the land back to the Bridgewater Township, County or State. This land would require zero maintenance from township as it would be purely open space. It can be used for passive recreation by the local boy scouts, girl scouts, Sierra Club etc…

There is an estimated 4 million dollars in the Bridgewater Open Space Fund. Mr. Lang and I have sat with many of the Bridgewater Township officials trying to enlist their help to preserve this land to no avail. I have met many times and pleaded with Mayor Dan Hayes asking for his support to preserve this land. My last meeting with Mayor Hayes in July 2016 I asked the Mayor again for his support, I said "I feel like with all of the things I have done in my life, the preservation of this land would make my life complete; please support me." I received no support from Mayor Hayes.

The preservation of this land for the community I truly cherish would complete me.

Won't you please help me preserve this land?


Bob Vaucher
Lt. Colonel
United States Air Force (Ret)

Please help support Lt. Col. Bob Vaucher's wish to preserve this land.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 6 ans
We have some very good news to share. We have secured $1,850,000. of the needed $1,950,000 to preserve this historic piece of land as open space for all to enjoy.

The contributors are as follows
Bridgewater Township
Somerset County
Crossroads of American Revolution
D & R Greenway

We simply need $100,000 to close this deal and preserve the property. Please go to the D&R Greenway link below to make a contribution.
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 7 ans
A recent article, please share with your FaceBook Freinds....
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 7 ans
This property has historical significance as well:

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
A donation page has been set up if you feel so inclined, thanks...

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Thank you all for you support for Lt. Col Vaucher. The Star Ledger, The Courier News as well as Chasing News all have run articles to help tell Bob's story. Please continue to share this website with your friends and family and ask them to sign and forward it on to their friends and family etc....

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