Demand LA Zoo to Release Information On The Deaths of Jewel and Shaunzi

    Free The Wild urgently calls for your support!

    Please sign our petition to the director of the Los Angeles Zoo, Denise Verret. We and our partners, Voice For The Animals, are demanding the release of a detailed report on the causes of death for Jewel and Shaunzi, two elephants who recently passed away at the zoo. Despite the LA City Council's official request for this information on May 15th 2024, the Zoo has failed to respond.

    Please help us garner as much attention and gain as many signatures as possible by sharing this petition as far and wide as possible. Individuals, organisations, businesses, and public figures across the US and from over the globe, can add their voices to the cause and help us be heard!

    We need to add pressure to the LA Zoo, to release this crucial information so that we can better understand the living conditions elephants have to endure, and what the implications of those conditions might mean for the future of elephants, like Billy, at the zoo. If, after all, it can be shown that Jewel and Shaunzi died of typical issues related to elephant life in captivity, then there is merit in the notion that Billy may be susceptible to the same issues or worse.

    So please, share this petition with your community wherever and however you can. Social media, email or word-of-mouth are all a great way to spread the message and get more signatures!

    This issue requires immediate attention as the deadline is fast approaching!

    The petition presents this vital request to Ms Denise Verret:


    Dear Ms. Verret,

    We, the undersigned individuals, businesses, organizations, and public figures, urge the LA Zoo to provide a report by September 17 explaining the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Jewel and Shaunzi. Despite the LA City Council's request on May 15 and the given 30-day deadline, the Zoo has not complied.

    If we do not receive the report by September 17, we and our fellow LA councilmen and women, will have to assume that Jewel and Shaunzi died of the same causes that most of the elephants at the Zoo have died of: painful foot and joint disease, caused by the conditions under which they are forced to live.
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