TPP is a mistake - mutual gain means regulated trade, not hands-off corporate access

The opportunity to enforce labor and environmental improvements rather than promote hands-off broadening of corporate access to markets is now. Speak out about the need for regulated trade with mutual gains! We can’t leave wages and environmental standards up to unbridled markets! The TPP advances archaic corporate interests that are out of step with global solutions. Free trade agreements like the TPP do not help the people they purport to help, especially without appropriate knowledge sharing and congressional and public debate.

• According to the Washington Post, patent and Internet terms and conditions disadvantage patients and developing countries we aim to assist.

• According to the Huffington Post, the TPP is not a vehicle for economic equality, but instead gives 600 participating corporations unprecedented power to circumvent the judicial process as it challenges federal and state regulations.

Please also contact your representatives. Click here to see where your legislator stands on the TPP and how to contact them. 

Dear President Obama, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and TPP parties,

The opportunity to enforce labor and environmental improvements rather than promote hands-off broadening of corporate access to markets is now. Speak out about the need for regulated trade with mutual gains! We can’t leave wages and environmental standards up to unbridled markets! The TPP advances archaic corporate interests that are out of step with global solutions. Free trade agreements like the TPP do not help the people they purport to help, especially without appropriate knowledge sharing and congressional and public debate.

• According to the Washington Post, patent and Internet terms and conditions disadvantage patients and developing countries we aim to assist.

• According to the Huffington Post, the TPP is not a vehicle for economic equality, but instead gives 600 participating corporations unprecedented power to circumvent the judicial process as it challenges federal and state regulations.

There are many reasons why it is essential to slow down and listen to the critics! While free trade proponents argue that leveling the playing field among global producers leads to prosperity, they ignore the downturns when prices fall and disadvantaged producers suffer unsustainable trading conditions. Sellers in developing countries do not share inherent US market advantages. Economists add that currency interventions by countries allow them to boost their exports at the expense of US manufacturing companies with no enforceable curtailment.

• If we would like to maintain our global leadership, we need to change course. How will we pursue legitimate, non-discriminatory public interest regulations on our shores and on partners’ shores if we pursue irresponsible investment proposals like the TPP that impair this ability?

• Obama made repeated promises to renegotiate and enforce labor and environment improvements while referring to NAFTA as a mistake. TPP is also a mistake and will create mutually felt undesirable consequences. That’s why we urge you to help producers gain access to global markets through regulated means and appropriate review.

• There are flaws in moving ahead without turning back. It’s disturbing that Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, notes that only 5 TPP chapters out of 29 are strictly devoted to “trade” with the remainder focusing on public policy issues. According to the Washington Post, 151 House Democrats signed a letter to Obama saying that they were “deeply troubled by the continued lack of adequate congressional consultation.” A group of Republicans also oppose fast-tracking.

Why ask the American public to entrust only one branch and close their doors when the policies that are written into the TPP do not represent the standards the American people want to see? The United States should once again recommit to replacing fast track as a process and play a strong and informed role in international economic policy not just lump standards as barriers to trade, but enhancements!

Fast tracked TPP advances only the interests of global corporations and limits food safety, environmental standards, financial regulation, and energy and climate policy when we need to make sure through proper review that this is not bad for the future of America and our foreign partners.


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