Ban Horse Carriages in NYC

Last year, State Senator Tony Avella and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal called for a ban of horse-drawn carriages, saying the industry is antiquated and barbaric.

Used as a tourist attraction, the horses are exposed to extreme heat in the summer, and the harsh cold in the winter; and subjected to traffic collisions all year round.

We ask that you ban horse drawn carriages once and for all. Profits are never more important than human beings acting humanely. These horses never even have the chance to graze on grass naturally and are constanly exposed to noise pollution. If stress can kill a human, it can kill a horse.

Make this inhumane industry illegal, and retire carriage horses to a sanctuary where they can engage in natural equine behaviors.

Last year, State Senator Tony Avella and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal called for a ban of horse-drawn carriages, saying the industry is antiquated and barbaric.

Used as a tourist attraction, the horses are exposed to extreme heat in the summer, and the harsh cold in the winter; and subjected to traffic collisions all year round.

We ask that you ban horse drawn carriages once and for all. Profits are never more important than human beings acting humanely. These horses never even have the chance to graze on grass naturally and are constanly exposed to noise pollution. If stress can kill a human, it can kill a horse.

Make this inhumane industry illegal, and retire carriage horses to a sanctuary where they can engage in natural equine behaviors.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
At the start of December, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that he will propose a law to end the use of horse-drawn carriages in New York City starting in 2016. Carriage-horse drivers (who are members of one of the few remaining blue-collar institutions in the city) will be offered green taxi permits for free.

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