Petition to enforce proper oil management in mechanical repair shop home industry!

Amongst the areas in Surabaya, Indonesia, the Lontar Street is one of the most crowded streets with mechanical repair shops home industries. Said people are not well informed on the proper management of oil. As well as uninterested in the management of oil due to economic and labour efficiency. Thus, lots of repair shop does not process their oils before discarding them. The culture of the mechanical repair shop home industries is to leave the oil as it drips and wash away the excess on the floor and on the machine to the sewers. This action could cause multiple effects to the environment, economy, and society. We the undersigned are concerned citizens of the oil pollution happening currently due to the mechanical repair shop home industries. We are troubled by the way people dump untreated oil to the streets and garbage cans. And would like to campaign and support the idea of recycling the oil instead of dumping them. By signing this, we promise to treat our oil waste and recycle them to stop pollution.

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