Review 39th/Barnett Aves Redesign Queens Now — Revise el diseño de 39th y Barnett ahora

  • par: Queens Streets For All
  • destinataire: Those who live in work in Woodside/Sunnyside NYC and all travelers through.

CRISIS: 39th & Barnett Aves. redesigns were installed without public vetting, and are a dangerous for pedestrians, cars, trucks, cyclists, skateboarders, scooters, and joggers. Delays with emergency access affects three apartment buildings and all surrounding residents & businesses. The jumble of barricades/multiple one ways on such short streets — where once was a calm, safe, leafy oasis, causes gas-guzzling detours, and unsafe visibility for all. Remedy by holding a real public meeting, not stocked with lobbyists, to work to make sensible changes.

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