Stop Terrifying Animals with Loud Fireworks
Loud Fireworks Affect Wildlife
Every year Fireworks are set off everywhere across our country but hardly any one of us ever stops to think how do the loud sounds these fireworks make terrify our wildlife.
Research studies show that the loud sounds of fireworks do have an adverse effect on wild animals as well as domestic animals. The noise from fireworks causes a great amount of fear, stress and anxiety in wild animals. This fear often causes them to flee into roadways which results in more vehicle damage (from large animals such as deer) and an increase in dead animals. During times of widespread fireworks use, the Shelter receives an increase in calls from the public reporting wildlife on the roads and wildlife being seen in unusual areas.
Other documented effects include nesting birds and other small mammal parents abandoning their nests leaving their defenseless babies behind. The panic can sometimes cause so much disorientation that wildlife parents cannot locate their nests and their babies die. Panic and disorientation from fireworks noise has also resulted in birds flying into windows and buildings, or too far out to sea to escape the noise. Waterfowl become entangled in remnants of large fireworks, or ingest pieces, and scavenging animals (both birds and mammals) ingest debris, usually resulting in death.
Errant fireworks can also cause environmental damage though fires, and from the release of poisonous chemicals and particle-laden smoke, which is not just inhaled by wildlife, but contaminates the natural environment.