Prosecute Tulip Slaughterhouse in Ashton-under-Lyne

Manchester Pig Save had an agreement to bear witness to the pigs before they were slaughtered at Tulip Slaughterhouse. The truck drivers failed to stop for them after the agreement was set in place.

Activists walked over to the trucks to see pigs continuously hit with what looks like a hard material while the pigs are extremely stressed and they are heard screaming. There is a dead pig covered in blood lying on the ground in a plastic crate, breaking hygiene regulations.

These people should not be working around animals. There is a sign that says "Handle animals quietly with care and respect" next to the man that is hitting these pigs. These pigs are being treated so badly.

You can watch the video of the pigs being hit by clicking the image above.

Please prosecute this horrible man that is repeatedly hitting these pigs, he should not be working with animals, he is breaching animal welfare regulations. Please monitor and prosecute this slaughterhouse for allowing this man to do this, this is clearly common practice there. Prosecute them for packing so many of these pigs in trucks, leaving them starving, dehydrated and petrified. They are extremely stressed and they should be getting the care that they require. Please prosecute them for leaving a dead pig inside a plastic crate, they are breaching hygiene regulations.

This is animal abuse, this must stop.

Another truck of pigs were seen to be dehydrated, starving, too hot, some passed out while others are seen piled on top of each other. These pigs look so sad and absolutely terrified, they know exactly what is happening to them.

The location of this slaughterhouse is on Bow St, Ashton-under-Lyne in Dukinfield SK16 4HY

Please write to the local MP Angela Rayner at

Please write to the government and tell them that this is not acceptable, they must crack down on abuse in slaughterhouses and on farms, prosecute and permenantly ban people from working with animals that have a history of abusing people or animals.

Please also sign the other following petitions -

Dear Angela Rayner,

Animal activists made an agreement to bare witness to the pigs before they were slaughtered, the truck drivers failed to stop after the agreement was set in place. 

Activists proceeded to bare witness to the pigs and what they witnessed was horrific.

After viewing the footage of the way that the pigs at Tulip Slaughterhouse are being treated I am left feeling angry and sick my stomach. The footage shows a man repeatedly hitting pigs with what looks like a hard material, the pigs are heard screaming and are extremely stressed out.

There is a sign next to the man that states "Handle animals quietly with care and respect" this is clearly normal practice as other staff at the slaughterhouse are walking around completely aware of what this man is doing. A dead pig covered in blood is also seen lying in a plastic crate.

This is the link to the footage

Other footage shows pigs packed in to trucks, they are starving, dehydrated, some pigs have even passed out and it's so packed in there that some pigs are piled on top of each other.

They are petrified and extremely stressed, they should be getting the care that they require and should not be treated like this.

This is the link to the footage

Please prosecute this horrible man that is repeatedly hitting these pigs, he should not be working with animals, he is breaching animal welfare regulations. Please monitor and prosecute this slaughterhouse for allowing this man to do this. Prosecute them for packing so many of these pigs in trucks, leaving them starving, dehydrated, petrified and stressed. Please prosecute them for leaving a dead pig inside a plastic crate, they are breaching hygiene regulations.

Please tell the government that this is not acceptable, they must crack down on abuse in slaughterhouses and on farms, prosecute and permenantly ban people from working with animals that have a history of abusing people or animals.

This is animal abuse, this must stop.


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