Katy Perry May Have Damaged a Precious Dune Ecosystem in Spain, Just to Film Her Latest Music Video

Celebrities seem to think they can get away with anything when it comes to disrespecting the environment. Recently it was Taylor Swift with her whole fleet full of private jets - and now it's Katy Perry, who filmed her recent 'Lifetimes' music video on protected, ecologically fragile dunes in Spain.

Sign the petition to demand that Katy Perry apologize and donate to conservation efforts!

Authorities with Spain's Balearic Islands are currently investigating how Katy Perry and her team wound up on the dunes of S'Espalmador, apparently without the necessary official authorizations.

S'Espalmador is a small, uninhabited island that is part of a Spanish natural park system. This has allowed a rich ecosystem to thrive there, being relatively undisturbed by humans. The area is known for its biological diversity, and the dunes there are among the best-preserved.

One section of the beach is specifically roped off, so that the public cannot access it or disrupt the precious flora and fauna. But that's exactly where Katy Perry and her team headed to film her latest music video. And in doing so, they may have caused great ecological damage to this special environment.

So far, Katy Perry's team has been pushing back and insisting they did nothing wrong and had "verbal permission" (which is not official and does not count) to be there. That's not good enough.

Katy Perry must show that she understands the importance of ecological conservation by owning up to her team's mistake, apologizing, and donating to conservation projects on the Spanish islands as recompense!
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