Turkey's Brutal "Massacre Law" is Killing Countless Strays

Turkey's recently enacted "Massacre Law" has led to our worst fears happening: countless stray animals have died from poisoning and violence. This brutality cannot go on. We must advocate for humane, sustainable alternatives for managing Turkey's stray animal population!

Sign the petition to demand the immediate repeal of this needlessly cruel law!

This new law mandates the immediate culling of stray dogs and cats unless adopted, which is impossible to meet given the lack of adequate shelters and the sheer number of strays estimated at around 4 million.

The chilling reports of mass graves and the documented cruelty have ignited widespread protests and international condemnation. The law, which was intended to clear the streets of strays, disregards the basic rights and welfare of animals, treating their lives as expendable.

Sign this petition to demand the immediate repeal of this cruel law and to advocate for humane, sustainable alternatives for managing Turkey's stray animal population!

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