Take Brooke Houts Dog "Sphinx" Away From Her For Animal Abuse

On August 4, 2019, YouTuber Brooke Houts uploaded a video titled, "Plastic wrap prank on doberman!". In the video, Brooke abuses her doberman Sphinx. Sphinx was being playful with Brooke and in one part of the video she grabs him by his skin, slams him on the ground and spits at him. Brooke declined spitting at him, but it was clear that she did.

Later in the video, Sphinx went to lick her and she smacked him. The dog runs out of frame and Brooke follows. You can hear Sphinx yelping but he cannot be seen.

Brooke's excuse for her behavior was, "things in my outside life weren't exceptional." Stating she was in a bad mood and was angry that day. She continued to say that her behavior was "training him." and that "he needed punishment." The doberman did absolutely nothing wrong, but she was "having a bad day." The poor thing flinched when she raised a finger at him, showing that he might have been hit before.

She's basically blaming it all on the dog, and playing the victim. I was hoping to get PETA or Humane Society to get Sphinx taken away from her and find him a better home.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
UPDATE: The LAPD Animal Cruelty Task Force is aware of this incident and have an open case for it! Hopefully we can get Sphinx to a safe home!!!
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