She Abused Her Dog Coco to Attract More Instagram Followers

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Instagram; Facebook Inc.
Tamara Rotman is a budding Argentinian social media star with a significant following on Instagram. But she's also an animal abuser — and she's using animal abuse to try to attract more followers.

Please sign this petition urging Instagram to stand up for animals and ban Tamara Rotman now.

Earlier this month, Rotman posted a video of her dog Coco inside of a washing machine in an attempt to gain attention and followers. With her face pressed against the door, the West Highland White Terrier clearly looks terrified as she struggles to get out. Rotman defended her the video since the washing machine was never turned on, but her actions still constitute abuse, plain and simple.

The post was quickly condemned by concerned followers and animal activists, causing Rotman to temporarily deactivate her account while she removed all but one post explaining her actions. She's back on Instagram now, but we don't think she should be.

When it comes to her relationship with animals, Tamara Rotman's actions show poor judgment at best, and depravity at worst. It's not enough to delete her posts and hope for the scandal to blow over. Tamara needs to do some real soul searching and learn how to treat animals with the love and respect they deserve.

And Instagram needs to show that it does not tolerate animal abuse.

Please join in asking Instagram to ban Tamara Rotman so that she no longer has a platform to abuse and exploit Coco or any other animal again.

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