Ban Fur Farming and Fur Import in the European Union

The EU is the world leading fur producer with a share of ca. 70% in the world production of fox and mink pelts.

There are more than 6.000 fur farms in 18 EU countries (for foxes, minks, ferrets, raccoon dogs, chinchillas). The fur producing countries are: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, the Baltic states, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary.

Each year on fur farms worldwide more than 50 million wild animals get raised under torturous conditions and killed for their fur, by anal electrocution (foxes) or gassing (minks), or even skinned alive. You can watch the recent undercover investigation done by Respect for Animals at Fur Farms in the Republic of Ireland

Take Action against the Cruel Fur Industry now, ask the European Union to introduce an EU wide Ban on Fur Farming and Fur Import!
Please sign and share the Petition!

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
Hello thank you so much for signing the petition. 2907 people already signed.
Good news: a huge win for animal rights, Norway banned fur farms! The law will take full effect by 2025 and save the lives of about 700,000 minks and 110,000 foxes each year!

Please help to get more signatures-please share the petition!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Hello, good news: Norway Announces Total Ban on Fur Farming. The ban, they say, will be finalized in 2025, when all farms in the country will be shut down.

2885 people signed the Petition- thank you so much! Please continue your support and share the petition! Lets make Europe fur free!
Greetings, Chrissy
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