All Traffic Stops, and Pedestrians Safely Walk (PSW)

Reduction of Maryland's pedestrian’s fatality rate.

"Pedestrian Lives Matter" 

"Dynesti's Law" would require that whenever a pedestrian crosswalk signal is activated, all traffic signals intersecting the activated crosswalk would be synchronized so that all motor vehicle traffic in all directions must stop regardless of the direction being traveled for the entire length of the activation of the crosswalk signal.

Reduce  pedestrian’s fatality rate “Crosswalks should save lives ““Driving is a privilege, walking is a requirement “

If "Dynesti's  Law" is  implemented we can save  countless other  lives because "Dynesti's  Law"  would require that whenever  a pedestrian crosswalk signal  is activated, all traffic signals intersecting  the activated crosswalk would  be synchronized so  that  all motor vehicle traffic in all directions must stop regardless of the direction  being traveled for the entire length of the activation of the crosswalk signal.

It is our sincere  belief  that   in obtaining,  securing  and passing more clearly defined and stricter pedestrian crossing laws  we will not only save lives but  will ensure that other families will not have to endure the unnecessary and unimaginable suffering that our family, and friends  continues  to endure.

Thank you for   supporting our   "Angel Dynesti Hope Lazina Maraj 

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 8 ans
Two years since the horrible ,tragic pedestrian crossing death ( March 14th 2015 ) of my innocent child Dynesti Hope Lazina Maraj.
The numer of pedestrian deaths continue to rise, daily , how many more innocent lives must be snatched in this reckless manner before we demand corrective action from our leaders, /government to make the necessary traffic changes to save pedestrian lives.
The life you save could be your own.
Support “Dynesti’s Law”
“Crosswalks should save lives “
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 8 ans
Thank you for supporting our petition for "Dynesti's Law" .
Please ask your friends families, and churches to support the petition. Lives matter all lives matter.
Driving is a privilege walking is a must.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 8 ans
Support “Dynesti’s Law”
“Crosswalks should save lives “
“Driving is a privilege walking is a requirement “

Help us seek support from our community and citizens in order to promote and create the passage of “Dynesti’s Law” in Maryland as well as the neighboring jurisdictions
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
"Dynesti's Law" would require that whenever a pedestrian crosswalk signal is activated, all traffic signals intersecting the activated crosswalk would be synchronized so that all motor vehicle traffic in all directions must stop regardless of the direction being traveled for the entire length of the activation of the crosswalk signal.

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