South Africa Successfully Reduced Rhino Poaching. Kenya Must Follow Suit!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Kenyan Ministry of Environment and Forestry

In the face of escalating rhino poaching in South Africa, new conservation strategies have thankfully shown promise in reducing poaching incidents. This year alone, South Africa saw a decrease in poaching thanks to proactive measures like these. It's time for Kenya to adopt similar strategies to protect its own vulnerable rhino populations.

Sign this petition to urge the Kenyan Ministry of Environment and Forestry to adopt rhino dehorning and enhance anti-poaching efforts!

Rhino poaching remains a severe threat to the survival of these majestic creatures, driven by illegal wildlife trafficking. In Kenya, home to both black and white rhinos, the implementation of a comprehensive Rhino Conservation Plan, similar to South Africa's, is urgently needed. This plan should include protective measures such as dehorning to make rhinos less attractive targets to poachers, rigorous law enforcement to deter wildlife crime, and community engagement to support conservation efforts.

We cannot stand by while the future of rhinos hangs in the balance. By introducing dehorning and strengthening anti-poaching laws, Kenya can protect these iconic animals from extinction.

Sign the petition to demand that the Kenyan Ministry of Environment and Forestry take immediate action to safeguard rhinos from poaching by implementing proven conservation strategies!

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