Drop Charges Against Desert Storm Vet Who Got Arrested For Saving Dog!

  • par: A. Ward
  • destinataire: Ken Mauldin District Attorney, Athens GA

A military veteran named Michael Hammons was out shopping when he heard that a distressed dog was locked inside of a car on a hot Georgia day. Rather than look the other way, he took his wife's wheel chair leg and busted the window out to free the animal from possible death. When the owner of the car found out what happened she was furious. Insisting she was only in the store for a few minutes she demanded that police officers charge him with criminal trespassing.

Georgia law allows citizens to bust windows out of a hot or cold car if a child is left alone and in danger, but no such law exists to save animals.

The officers on the scene did not want to press charges but had no choice. Upon learning of Michael Hammons heroism, PETA announced they will award him its Compassionate Action Award for his actions.

Please ask the District Attorney for Athens, GA to dismiss the charges against Hammons!

Dear Mr. Ken Mauldin, District Attorney, Athens GA

We (the undersigned) are shocked to learn that military veteran Michael Hammons was criminally charged with his heroic actions of saving a little dogs life.

We realize that Georgia law does not stipulate that citizens can break into a car to save an animal, but we are hoping that you can find some way to get these charges dropped.

As you know by now, the heat inside of a car on a hot Georgia day can reach well over 100 degrees, even if the temperature outside is only 80. Since there is no way of knowing if the dogs owner was only in the store a few moments or not, we urge you to do all that is within your capacity to clear Hammons of any wrongdoing.


Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
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