Remove ban of "Lost dog" flyers in Beverly Hills, California

  • par: Elizabeth H
  • destinataire: Mayor of Beverly Hills William Brien and Department of Building and Safety

The Department of Building and Safety in Beverly Hills, California and their mayor William Brien have supported a ban of "Lost dog" flyers from being posted anywhere across the city in order to help owners find their lost dogs.  How can owners find their dogs that got lost if they don't use flyers, posters or anything on paper?

This all started because of ONE woman who complained about posters of a lost dog being put up around her area and that was enough to convince the city of Beverly Hills to ban people from posting flyers or distributing anything on paper to find their beloved lost pets!  The city of Beverly Hills and its mayor William Brien are trying to prevent people from getting their best friend back home.  ABC news and some animal shelters have stated that 90% of lost dogs have been recovered because someone saw a "lost dog" flyer and recognized the dog!  Dogs should be back home with their families, rather than animal shelters surrounded and picked up by strangers or out in the streets where they may starve, die of thirst, get injured in traffic or attacked by larger or wild animals.

California residents or Beverly Hills residents can go here to find out how to contact the city of Beverly Hills directly.


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