A woman whose house burned down may not get a single dime from her homeowner's insurance- simply because she owns a pit bull. Mary Grace O'Brien was living on Lawrence Street in East Rockaway, New York until her home burned down last October because of a dryer fire, she lost almost everything.
Her policy was through Adirondack Insurance. Many insurance companies, including Adirondack, discriminate against certain breeds or types of dogs. O'Brien owns 6 animals altogether, but only recently became aware of Adirondack's policy- which states that pit bulls are on their list of "prohibited" dogs.
Sadly, Adirondack is one of many policies that discriminate against pit bulls. But denying a fire claim is taking it way too far.
Please sign this petition to end discrimination against certain dog breeds! Pit Bulls being one of the top breeds treated unfairly.
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