Evidence that demands a verdict has been presented to show that the University of Wisconsin-Madison is perpetrating cruel and fatal experiments on cats. It cannot be denied, and is a clear case of animal cruelty. Moreover, we demand immediate cessation of these cruel experiments on cats. (see http://youtu.be/P_tOePeC0PU) The images seen make me ask how you can live with yourselves, and be able to kiss your own loved ones good night. It is appalling, to say the very least.
It has been long proven that animal experimentation for the purpose of human conditions, products, psychology, etc., are FRAUDULENT, and provides absolutely no empirical evidence to support any findings, no matter how "similar" an animal's physiology might be to our own. This cruelty must end NOW. It cannot continue, for you cannot garner facts via false research with fraudulent, and often padded, reports.
The whole world watches, as scientists torture, mutilate and murder animals for experiments, at best, inconclusive, and at worst, just dowright evil. You have declared war upon innocent animals who cannot speak for themselves, but we now speak for them. Close down the feline inquisition you have established, and consider the wiser way of research through human-relevant research, which requires permission, and humane treatment.
I appeal to you, not as a colleague, but rather, as a woman... a human being... who has seen much suffering in my years upon the Earth. I am no scientist, but I learn what I observe, and I observe very well, and I suppose that THAT is what "empirical research" is truly about. The point is that you cannot determine the welfare of humanity based on the outcomes based on animal experimentation and cruelty. If you have a heart of any kind, let it speak to your intellect. There is a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom. Without knowledge, wisdom can thrive; without wisdom, knowledge means nothing at all. (http://youtu.be/P6jiR3EWFvc)
All My Relations
Mettre À Jour #5il y a 10 ans
VICTORY? According to a text I received, UM-W's lab is now CLOSED! Four cats have new homes. Wopila!
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 10 ans
We're almost at 5,000. We CAN do it, and maybe reach more. Thank you!
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
We are VERY close to our goal in this urgent matter. THANK YOU ALL! http://youtu.be/QfQbaiG8OIo
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
2,702 signatures, and going strong. Thank you to all who have signed this urgent petition, and thank you in advance to all who will sign it in the days and weeks and months to come. Let us keep spreading the word to end this needless suffering.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
We have reached 2,290 signatures on this urgent petition! I thank you, my friends, for sticking by me on this important issue, and most importantly, for standing by these innocent animals suffering at the hands of cruel people in the name of so-called science. Let us keep the pressure up, and together, end this needless cruelty.
All My Relations,
~Taina Amayi~