California Restoration, Water!

  • par: Philip Passmore
  • destinataire: President Barack Obama and California Governor Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

California's environment and water needs are a disaster.  If something isn't done soon we won't be able to provide California's water and food needs in the future.  The two biggest projects in dire need of funding are the Peripheral Tunnel Project $12 Billion and the Restoration of the Salton Sea $9 Billion none of which currently has any funding at all! 

California's central valley which provides a great deal of this nations food source is drastically deprived of water, this same water shortage will also ruin any future growth and water needs of the southern part of the state.

The immediate needs and near death of the Salton Sea is not only a economical and ecological disaster but is also destroying the wildlife habitat that now depends on it, and again destroying the farmland of Riverside and Imperial Counties.

So I'm asking that President Barack Obama and Governor Brown stop wasting the money being spent on the California High Speed Rail Project, and through legislative action and/or if needed put it to the voters to divert those funds to these two most important water projects that not only needs to be, but rather MUST be acted on NOW!






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