Stop Safari Hunting Tigers in Africa

  • par: Nyack Clancy
  • destinataire: CITES Secretariat, Chief of Enforcement Mr. John Macfarlane Sellar

Canned hunting is the killing of captive animals, usually fenced in with no escape. But a number of hunting outfits in South Africa have been offering tiger hunts, and advertise the specimen being ‘taken from the wild'. Which is cause for concern- as tigers are not native to Africa- they are all from Asia.

If big game hunters are releasing tigers into the wild in Africa, this is disasterous for the native endangered lion, leopard and cheetah- as they will kill the native big cats over food and territory competition, making the tiger an invasive species in Africa.

Since the tiger is critically endangered, it should not be hunted anywhere to begin with. The tigers are murdered as trophies, and their cubs enter the illegal pet trade, often raised only to be killed as well.

We ask CITES to stop this cycle and ban safari canned hunting in Africa and ban exports and imports from Africa, including live tiger cubs.


Mr. John Macfarlane Sellar
Chief of Enforcement
CITES Secretariat
Maison Internationale de l’Environnement
Chatelaine-Geneva, Switzerland 1219
Tel: +41-229178293

Canned hunting is the killing of captive animals, usually fenced in with no escape. But a number of hunting outfits in South Africa have been offering tiger hunts, and advertise the specimen being ‘taken from the wild'. Which is cause for concern- as tigers are not native to Africa- they are all from Asia.

If big game hunters are releasing tigers into the wild in Africa, this is disasterous for the native endangered lion, leopard and cheetah- as they will kill the native big cats over food and territory competition, making the tiger an invasive species in Africa.

Since the tiger is critically endangered, it should not be hunted anywhere to begin with. The tigers are murdered as trophies, and their cubs enter the illegal pet trade, often raised only to be killed as well.

We ask CITES to stop this cycle and ban safari canned hunting in Africa and ban exports and imports from Africa, including live tiger cubs.


Mr. John Macfarlane Sellar
Chief of Enforcement
CITES Secretariat
Maison Internationale de l’Environnement
Chatelaine-Geneva, Switzerland 1219
Tel: +41-229178293


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