Chinatown is known to sell many exotic animals for meat.
Most of these animals are shipped cramped in horrible conditions with death and injury inevitable for many. They can come from around the World and this can be vectors for disease from filthy living conditions awaiting harvest, and this is not checked. Turtles and Frogs can harbor Chytrid fungus which is killing native amphibians in New York and California.
Most of all, eating these is dangerous to humans, and the cruel conditions and improper killing is abuse to all these animals waiting to die while the Public witnesses these animals being cruelly killed.
Taking animals from the wild is affecting wild populations for protected species especially of turtles sold at high prices at Chinatown markets.
This needs to stop! Stop Chinatown in California and NYC from importing and selling all live animals to eat, and have the proper authorities check food sold so they can't sell protected species and nothing importated that can potentially spread disease.
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