North Idaho College: STOP requiring CAT dissection for HUMAN Anatomy classes!

  • par: Robyn Hively
  • destinataire: Peter Zao, Department Chair

Dissecting CATS in a HUMAN Anatomy and Physiology course is totally unnecessary, especially since there are HUMAN cadavers available!

Peter Zao; Please STOP requiring students to dissect innocent cats in order to pass your Human Anatomy and Physiology classes!

Although humans and cats both have a portal vein and a hepatic artery, large and small intestines and some similar muscles, CATS ARE NOT HUMANS!

This is an abhorrent practice that needs to STOP IMMEDIATELY!

Requiring students to participate in this sadistic practice is unnecessary and cruel!

And students that would otherwise obtain a career in a medical field, but have moral convictions against such disgusting practices, are refused the opportunity!


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