Humanity Against the Destruction of All Wildlife and the Environment

Those who sign this petition are the voices of reason, logic, sound science and humanities responsibility to be good stewards of our planet, the only one we have in the universe. Life on this planet is a human responsibility, not a political, corporate or religious one because all of us are responsible for the things we do...and don't do to preserve the natural course and order of all life on this planet...if we do not, then we won't be here for much longer.

This petition is aimed at putting into immediate affect a federal protection law that can no longer be infringed and without any loopholes for future manipulations that will protect all wildlife, watersheds, all water resources, land, forests, air and sky from being redirected from their natural course or habitats, trespassed by corporate indulgences, abused, killed or polluted by any means whatsoever. That such law will be enacted to prevent any killing (s) of Wolves, Coyote, Buffalo, Wild Horses, their like or kin, fish or fowl, to end all canned hunting, contest hunting, or lottery hunting that would include any animal that will not be consumed by an individual hunter and/or their family and absolutely forbid and abolish all killing (s) by and individual or group that id deemed sport killing or hunting, commercial and/or corporate killings, slaughters or these by any other name of any wildlife as so described above and herein.

We are stating here and now that enough is enough and this will no longer be tolerated anywhere in this country from this day forward.

We are no longer asking that this government and its sub-agencies to act on this call, we are demanding it and that it will be passed without any more side stepping or long dragged out debates that do nothing to prevent this destruction of our wildlife, our water, our lands, forests air and sky. These issues have been on the table long enough. It is beyond the time for the proper action to be taken and acted on. There is only one way this can go and that way has already been described and explained above and herein.

Thank you.

The People of The United States and The World - The Humans
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