We are shocked and appalled that our elected officials would entertain a proposal to construct cell towers on school property at Lakeside High School, Atlanta, Georgia. There are many issues which concern us:
First, there are negative health issues associated with being around cell towers for extended periods of time. Cell towers emit high levels of variable radio frequency emissions. Our children spend 6-7 hours per day 180 days a year on school property and would be in close proximity to these proposed cell tower sites. Currently the impact of this radiation is unknown. However, 30% of students and teachers in Bayville, New York and nine teachers in California's Vista Del Monte Elementary School complained of serious ailments such as leukemia and thyroid cancer after cell towers were erected on school property. Multiple studies, such as those conducted in Germany and Tel Aviv, indicate that cell tower radiation is associated with a heightened risk of various cancers. Those who live nearby and work at or attend the schools could experience negative health affects involving dizziness, mental confusion, and hormonal disruptions.
Cell towers in our neighborhood will lower our property values.
While DeKalb Schools would initially receive extra revenue, this financial gain would be lost when residents begin to file litigation to prevent cell tower construction or file suit for damages resulting from health problems and property devaluation.
No amount of revenue however is worth sacrificing our children's health for corporate profit. Cell towers belong on vacant lots, industrial areas, or shopping center lots. They do not belong on residential or school properties.
We the undersigned residents, standing together and strongly united, oppose the installation of the Cell Tower at Lakeside High School.