Stop UW Cat Abuse!

  • par: Natalie Perez
  • destinataire: University of Wisconsin - Madison

University of Wisoncosin has abused cats for YEARS, yet the government stilll pays them money to continue the cruel experiments. Cats like Double Trouble have DIED in the hands of UW. They implant rods into cat's eyes and put metal poles into the cat's skull and brain. They deafen the cats and starve them for about a week

 PeTA (Although they kill animal too D:) has shown terrifying images of Double Trouble and the other cats that lived there. Double Trouble had to be euthanized because of her poor treatment. She woke up to a painful and horrifying feeling once as experimenters were cutting into her head. She was so weak that they had to force-feed her to keep her alive.

 In the ence, she was in so much pain from her open head wound getting infected that she had to uethanized. The experimenters cut off her head to dissect her brain. Similar cats could be treated like this RIGHT NOW at this very seconds because UW hasn't stopped.


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