Demand Justice for Raped Canadian Teenager

This week, a 17-year-old girl from Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia took her own life after being subjected to routine humiliation after her gang-rape.  

Seventeen months ago, the girl was raped by four boys who then photographed her and distributed the photos online. But because the RCMP couldn't "prove" who had taken the pictures or posted them online, the girl's rapists were not prosecuted. After nearly two years of waiting for justice, the victim hanged herself.

Rape alone is an unimaginable terror for anyone.  Coupled with photos that are difficult to escape, a person's life can be, and has been, ruined. So why didn't the RCMP respond sooner?

As Canadians, we demand that our police go to every length to protect us and ensure that we live in a just society. Sign to demand that this and all further injustices like it are investigated promptly, not thrown out based on "insufficient evidence!"

To RCMP spokesman Cpl. Scott MacRae,

A young girl in Cole Harbour, NS faced an unimaginable 17 months. She was raped at the age of 15 by 4 boys, and photographed. The pictures were sent out digitally, across many platforms and seen by her community. Rape alone stays with you, every day, forever. Couple this with photos that you and everyone you know has seen. Imagine the pain that this girl was in.

The RCMP had an opportunity to step in, investigate, and perhaps stop what happened next. When this girl took her own life, we all became responsible. We demand that the RCMP review its protocol when it comes to digital evidence. The Chronicle Herald reports that "nothing was done about [the photos] because they couldn't prove who had pressed the photo button on the phone." These photos are evidence. Why was her mother told that it was "not really a criminal issue, it's more of a community issue"?

Step up. As the RCMP you need to evolve with the times and protect Canadians.

We the undersigned demand that this injustice is investigated and will not stand for the complacency that has taken place.


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