Neelakantan, an elephant belonging to the shastamcota temple in Kollam District, Kerala. He has been suffering from serious issue to his left forelimb, which has manifested in chronic swelling and in spite of the temple having a proper stable/pen, he has been taken to the rear of the temple and tethered out in the open, exposed to all the elements, all on the advise of the advisory committee of the temple. They are not giving permission for taking him to the vet college hospital in Thrissur!
Neelakantan, an elephant belonging to the shastamcota temple in Kollam District, Kerala. He has been suffering from serious issue to his left forelimb, which has manifested in chronic swelling and in spite of the temple having a proper stable/pen, he has been taken to the rear of the temple and tethered out in the open, exposed to all the elements, all on the advise of the advisory committee of the temple. They are not giving permission for taking him to the vet college hospital in Thrissur!
More than 11000 people have signed this petition! Please take him out there, bring him to the hospital in Thrissur and give all medical attention he needs. When recovered send him to a sanctuary!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 8 ans
Dear signers,
I delivered the petition and received this update!
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:25:14 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Neelakatan
I am forwarding a complaint received from Ms Rita Claessens on the above mentioned subject. Kindly look into the complaint and take appropriate action as per rules.
With regards,
R.K. Srivastava, IFS
IGF & Director, Project Elephant,
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
Dear signers,
Thanks to your signatures Neelankantan has been treated for his wounds! He has gained weight and he looks much better! Unfortunately he will not be sent to a sanctuary! He remains in the temple!