Keep The Vagina Monologues and Marion at Midnight in the spotlight!

An individual in Ocala has decided that his view of what is "appropriate" should lead to the censorship of two beneficial and female-empowered shows. The March 18th benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues for PACE Center for Girls and the March 26th Marion at Midnight show, which is currently Ocala's go-to Burlesque champion, are in danger of being shut down. This cannot be tolerated!

This individual's gripe seems to be that both of these shows are being performed in buildings that, while leased to the outside organizations that are producing them, are currently owned by The City of Ocala. He is trying to use an "inappropriateness" clause, which was somehow included in the building's leases, to shut down both shows. He finds these much-loved, all-female cast shows "inappropriate" to his own sensibilities, so he's pushing the City Council to deem them offensive.

In short, one person has decided that if he doesn't like something, no one else should be allowed to see it.  He has decided to take this unreasonable and extreme approach instead of simply not attending or supporting the shows.

Show The City Council that the majority of Ocala's citizens are FOR freedom of expression and female empowerment! Show these individuals that they CAN NOT force others to be deprived of art that THEY choose not to view. Stand up for Ocala's artistic community and our city's female performers! Sign today!

For more information about The Vagina Monologues at The Reilly Arts Center, please click HERE!

For Tickets click HERE!

For more information about The Marion at Midnight series click HERE!

For Tickets click HERE!

For more information on the issue in general, please check out this article by Howard Sherman of the Arts Integrity Initiative:

An individual in Ocala has decided that his view of what is "appropriate" should lead to the censorship of two beneficial and female-empowered shows. The March 18th benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues for PACE Center for Girls and the March 26th Marion at Midnight show, which is currently Ocala's go-to Burlesque champion, are in danger of being shut down. This cannot be tolerated!

This individual's gripe seems to be that both of these shows are being performed in buildings that, while leased to the outside organizations that are producing them, are currently owned by The City of Ocala. He is trying to use an "inappropriateness" clause, which was somehow included in the building's leases, to shut down both shows. He finds these much-loved, all-female cast shows "inappropriate" to his own sensibilities, so he's pushing the City Council to deem them offensive.

In short, one person has decided that if he doesn't like something, no one else should be allowed to see it.  He has decided to take this unreasonable and extreme approach instead of simply not attending or supporting the shows.

Ocala's citizens are for freedom of expression and female empowerment! Please do not deprive the Ocala community of art simply because one person has an objection to it. Stand up for Ocala's artistic community and our city's female performers! Please allow The Vagina Monologues and Marion at Midnight to go on as planned.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
WOW! Over 2,000 signatures in less than 36 hours. Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared this petition. Let's keep up the momentum!

Special thanks to Howard Sherman at the Arts Integrity Initiative for this great article detailing everything that is going on. Please read for more information and share. Let's take this story national:
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
It seems that the petition is starting to blow up! Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest and is choosing to support Freedom of Expression in the arts and to help let the voices of Women be heard!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Thank you everyone for your support! We have had over 350 signatures gathered in under 24 hours and that is HUGE not only for the arts, but for Ocala in general! We'll keep you updated as we learn more. Our goal is to reach 1,000 signatures before the City Council meeting on the 1st. Please keep sharing and spreading the word. Every signature helps.
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