Smith hill Reservoir now has a new functional more than i hoped for wildlife escape ramp

  • par: Shawn S
  • destinataire: Ducklings

Huge thanks to all of you that took the time to sign the petition,called into the CRD and city hall and got the word out through all the social channels.

I  also appreciate the responsiveness of  Ted Robbins CRD Water Services staff on this issue. Including the two fellows from the city of Victoria, and two city of Victoria fire fighters that keep the work all safe. And Raelyn at city hall. They are all true pros.

And a Big global Gracias,Merci,Grazie,domo arigato, Danke,Do jeh to what i know is mostly Emma's army. It takes special people to support the smallest most vulnerable of beings on the other side world, because a friend asked you. She's lucky to have you all, friends and family.

But i know why you all answered the call. She was already a hero to me.

We can't pick our family, but i hope you all have siblings in your lives, that are the blessing mine are.

thank you thank you quack,

S. & The ducklings

P.s. big shout out to r/VictoriaBC (reddit) for doing what you do


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