Dog Shooting Mayor of Walnut Grove, Missouri Has To Go

In October, 2014, a stray female Border Collie with puppies was traumatized by Mayor Jim Cole and police officers of Walnut Grove, Missouri. Her puppies were grabbed, she was chased, tasered by the police and the mayor shot her with a shotgun. As she lay in agony, the mayor went back to his car, got his handgun and finished killing her. Rescues had offered to take the dog. The mayor had numerous other options such as using a catch pole, a humane trap or a net. A local vet had offered to come over with a tranquilizing dart gun.  Rescues were not called and the vet's offer was not utilized.

Attempting to defend his actions, the mayor claimed the dog was vicious. The dog was not vicious and several people in the community, including myself had fed her over several months, attempting to get close to her. She had been dumped and had been so traumatized by her last owner that no one could get close to her. However, humane methods were available to the City of Walnut Grove to capture her. Given the chance with an experienced rescue person, the dog could have been socialized. Why would a mayor decide to shoot a dog instead of saving it and why would he use a shotgun to cause as much pain and suffering as possible? Clearly, Mr. Cole needs to find a different vocation.

Please take a moment to both email and call Walnut Grove City Hall and ask them to demand the resignation of the mayor and to educate themselves on modern methods of animal rescue. Walnut Grove City Hall: 417-788-2596 Email:  (The Humane Society of Missouri has been contacted in this matter but your phone calls and emails will be helpful.)

I am demanding the resignation of Jim Cole, Mayor of Walnut Grove, Missouri.  His shocking actions in October, 2014 when he chased, traumatized and used a shotgun to mortally wound a stray dog with puppies is unconscionable.  This is not reasonable or humane behavior by any logical person's standards.

There were humane options available for capturing a stray dog and Mr. Cole chose to not use those methods.  His barbaric actions do not represent the values of his community.

Please ask Mr. Cole to immediately resign his position and appoint an interim mayor who will more appropriately represent your community.

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