Stop pig farming cruelty!

  • par: Amy smythe
  • destinataire: All cruel pig farmers

Animal cruelty towards pigs in pig farms. Some countries it has been banned but in places like NZ it still occurs. Female pigs when they are pregnant, are kept in sow stalls, only an inch room either side and above. They can only sit or stand they can't even turn around. A sow stall is a cage with metal bars and a concrete floor. The pregnant female pigs are kept there until they give birth, then they go to farrowing stall, which is a place where the mother is in another confined space to give birth. The piglets have a feed and then are almost immediately taken away. The mother pig is scared, sore, uncomfortable and depressed. She is taken straight back to the sow stall, to get impregnated again, and if she can not get pregnant quick enough she will be slaughtered. The piglets are taken to a small dark area where all they sit in is their own faeces and urine. They are confined and squished together to the point where they get stressed, so they bite each others tails resulting in more serious cases of cannibalism. To solve this problem the farmers cut off the piglets tails under no anaesthetic. An average pigs life span is 15 years, but these piglets are slaughtered before they are even 6 months old. They are piled into the back of a truck and taken to be slaughtered. They stand in yet another confined space where they cannot move then they get electrocuted and killed. They fall to the ground then get stabbed in the neck. Then cut up, packaged and taken to the shops and all evidence of the animals cruel life have been hidden. You can help, when you go to the shops for some bacon, pork or ham, stop and read the label, and make sure it is free range. Or you can completely give up eating pig altogether. Let the cruel farmers know that you are not happy by not buying the product. Say no to pig farming cruelty.

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