Demand EU-Wide CCTV in Slaughterhouses to Protect Animal Welfare!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: European Commission

In a landmark decision, Wales has joined England and Scotland in mandating the installation of CCTV cameras in all slaughterhouse areas where live animals are handled, reinforcing a commitment to animal welfare. This measure aims to ensure that animals are treated humanely right up to the point of slaughter. Despite progress in parts of the UK, many EU countries lag behind in such protections. It's time for the rest of the EU to follow suit, ensuring that all animals are afforded the same level of dignity and protection during their most vulnerable moments.

Sign this petition to urge the European Union to implement similar regulations across all member states!

This isn't just about adhering to ethical standards; it's about transparency and accountability in industries that have historically operated out of the public eye. CCTV surveillance in slaughterhouses helps prevent abuse, ensures compliance with animal welfare laws, and fosters trust in the meat production process.

Sign this petition to call on the European Commission to require CCTV in all slaughterhouses, ensuring all animals within the EU are protected from cruelty and neglect!

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