Wicked people are dooming countless small animals to suffocate in a pool of their own excrement, by trapping them inside souvenir key chains.
Add your name if you want to ban this cruel practice, NOW!
"Vendors in China have been selling live animal key chains for years: small plastic bubbles containing trapped turtles, fish, salamanders and frogs.
"The little animals are suspended in brightly colored liquid, often along with beads and other decorations, and are barely able to move," reported The Dodo.
They are given just enough oxygen to survive for a few days...
And those last few days are filled with unspeakable torture.
Imagine that you were trapped inside a plastic bubble, barely big enough for your body.
You are forced to sit in your own effluvia, in a living coffin.
You are thrashed about, poked, prodded, and bullied all along the way.
You cannot eat.
You cannot sleep.
You cannot escape.
How would you feel, knowing that all you have to look forward to is an agonizing death?
That is the fate of most of these defenseless little lives.
"In the best case scenario, they're freed from their prisons and end up as pets to people who aren't prepared to care for them," said the same article.
Life is NEVER expendable.
It's time we end this forever, don't you agree?
Then add your name to ask Zhong Shan, the Chinese Minister of Commerce, to take immediate action within his nation's government to ban the sale of these cruel souvenirs!